Enjoy at least one mug a day as part of a varied and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.
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Enjoy at least one mug a day as part of a varied and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.
Enjoy at least one mug a day as part of a varied and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.
Our master blenders have cleverly blended our smooth green tea with juicy lime and Vitamin B6 to deliver the perfect blend for when you need it most.
Twinings blends to perfection the finest green teas with just the right amount of flavour to give you a line of great-tasting green teas with a fresh flavour, smooth taste and enticing aroma.
Tetley green tea and lemon is a light tasting mix of freshly plucked green tea leaves and lemon for a final note of citrus. Crafted by master blenders who hand select only the finest tea leaves to brew as nothing beats a great cup of green tea brimming with nature’s finest.
At Tetley, we are committed to ensuring better lives of the people who grow and pick it, just as much as the people who drink it.
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